Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Best Way To Fight Poor Health Is To Make Home Cooking Fast And Easy!

Obesity and related health problems are epidemic in North America. Not only are most of us eating way too much and getting little exercise, but we're also eating very fatty foods. Even if you shun fast food restaurants and buy your food at supermarkets, it's still almost impossible to find quick-to-fix foods that aren't high in fat content.

Experts say we were in far better health a few decades ago when just about everyone prepared their meals from scratch. Home cooking, even when elevated to the gourmet level, is far healthier than restaurants or instant dishes from the grocery store.

But these days when everyone is working one, two, even three jobs, who has the time to make a complete meal at home? It would seem there is simply no fast, easy way to eat healthy food.

Let me speak from experience: You CAN cook FAST at home and make EXCELLENT meals. Nick has been a gourmet chef for 25 years. During that time he developed more than 300 great, healthy recipes that can be prepared quickly.

As a general rule of thumb, you can be sitting down, eating a hot, fresh meal within 45 minutes to one hour after you come home.

Consider how much time and money you spend at fast food restaurants, and you'll realize how much money--even time--you can save.

Not only does eating better help you stay trimmer, it also makes you feel better. People who eat better have more energy and quite often feel younger. Education specialists assure us kids develop normally and perform better in school when they eat right. And you can certainly head off a host of health problems that can plague you in middle and later life.

Do yourself and your family a huge favor. Start cooking your meals at home using fresh ingredients in recipes that help you cook fast and often from scratch. It's cheaper and, goodness knows, it tastes a lot better!

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Kitchens said...

Cooking is the process of making food by using combination of ingredients so that safe and edible food can be made.Anyway, Thanks for sharing this.

Restaurant Hoods said...

Cooking at home is always smart and usually less expensive!

Exhaust hoods said...

Food safety is always important in cooking.